Mindful Families Header Image

The simple act of being completely present to another person is truly an act of love.

Sharon Salzberg

Mindful Parent, Resilient Child: Mindfulness & Compassion for Caregivers. Online Workshop 

Do you ever find yourself automatically reacting to your children's challenging behaviour in ways that leave you feeling disconnected, discouraged, and even depleted?

Do you find that some of the most difficult parenting moments are when your children need you the most? 

Mindfulness skills can help by supporting parents to regulate our big emotions when we are feeling stressed, overwhelmed or getting activated by our children's big emotions. In this workshop, Sara will share mindfulness and compassion practices for in-the-moment parenting challenges. These practices can help us to be responsive rather than reactive; and be a little kinder towards ourselves along the way...

Next Date for 2022 TBD

In this workshop, participants will learn concrete strategies to:

  1. help settle their mind & body, right in the moment, when they (or their loved ones) are feeling overwhelmed
  2. be less reactive and more intentional in responding during challenging parenting moments
  3. bring kindness to ourselves when we have had a challenging interaction with a loved one - to help us get unstuck from guilt and to come back into connection with our loved ones

These strategies are not only useful for ourselves, but can be shared with our children as well.

heart in hands

Nurturing connection, one breath at a time...