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  • Mom and B at Fence - Photo by Sara Marlowe
  • Mindful-Kids-2013-listening-for-web
  • B singing bowl
  • Geese Family - Photo by Sara Marlowe
  • Beckett and Daddy - Photo by Sara Marlowe
  • MNBF cover

You will always be your child's favourite toy.

Vicki Lansky

Breathe In & Shine: Mindfulness for Children and Families: Online 5-week class

Cover Page

In this introductory mindfulness program, Sara (and occasionally her 5 and-a-half year-old daughter / co-teacher Adalyn) will teach child-friendly mindfulness and self-compassion practices to children and their caregivers that they can then practice together at home. Practices include games, stories, songs and everyday mindful awareness practices. This program is a way to begin to "plant the seeds of mindfulness" and is geared towards children ages 6-ish to 9-ish.

Mindfulness can help to reduce stress, provide tools for responding to strong feelings such as worry, anger, fear & frustration as well as to support connection. Families will also be introduced to how our brain works and how keeping it in mind can support connection in these challenging times.

When:Tuesdays, March 16, 23, 30, April 6 and April 13 (might be changed if requested to due the april "march break"), 4:30 - 5:00 pm
Cost: $100 per family. If you have extended benefits, this program may be covered under MSW, RSW services. Please contact your insurance provider to inquire. Otherwise, it can be counted as a medical expense on your income taxes. Cost includes a PDF of a mindfulness workbook.
Register: email sara @ saramarlowe [dot] com


Here are some online sessions my daughter and I offered at the start of the first lockdown:

Mindful Kids...

Click on the image to find mindfulness resources for kids.

Mindful Kids Logo

Mindful Parenting Stories...

Share a story about how you bring mindfulness to your parenting.

Click on the image to find out more.

Mindful Families Hands Photo

Snow Globe Meditation

Snow globe meditation for children.



Nurturing connection, one breath at a time...