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Love your child by learning the song that is in her heart and singing it to her when she forgets it.


Mindfulness Practices for Parents

Parenting is a wonderful mix of joy, worry, laughter, stress, play, frustration, tenderness, chaos and everything in between... aptly described by Jon Kabat-Zinn as "The Full Catastrophe of Parenting." Creating moments of stillness to reconnect with ourselves and reflect on our parenting can be a challenge, but can also be hugely rewarding as we navigate this full catastrophe. Mindful parenting is not about somehow becoming the 'perfect parent,' but rather being present in our parenting - with all it's imperfections...

Practicing meditation, such as breath awareness, body scan, walking meditation, mindful dishwashing, etc. can support us in becoming more mindful in our everyday lives, including our parenting. Through meditation practice, we can learn to be more present in general and with our children --and more intentional in our interactions with them. In addition to meditation practice as a way to support the cultivation of mindful parenting, the following are ideas of ways to approach parenting as a mindfulness practice in and of itself... to support us to be more present in our parenting and to enhance our connection with our children.

Nurturing connection, one breath at a time...